
20 April 2010

Baby Edmund

Taa-daa! Baby Edmund was born on Friday night, 7lb exactly. Everyone is well, and we're all rather delighted.

9 April 2010

Tartan in 28mm

So, like I've been moaning about for a while now, I basically have no geek time. In true Rab style, therefore, I've decided to start a side-project (an elfball team so that I can enter Chris' tournament in June) and, in addition, try my hand at tartan for the first time, too. I am a sensible planner of my time, NOT!

Anyway, here you go:

The green around the base indicates that this player is a Defender, and the narrow line shows the rear facing. Facing is a vital tactical aspect in the game, which is by Impact Miniatures and is rather groovy.

Thanks for reading,

5 April 2010

Hanging on in here

Hello reader(s). I haven't abandoned either geeking, or this blog, but with baby number two due, well, now, I've been somewhat distracted. I've been doing some bits and bobs, but in such tiny snatches of time it's not really been worth sharing. As soon as baby is here and all is well then I'll get back on with things. Hope you all had/are having a happy Easter.
