
14 September 2014

Ladro and friends

As I mentioned in a previous post, I felt my main character thief would need some assistance in his underground procurement of other people's treasure so I had a go at sculpting some fire. Now that it's painted up I'm pretty pleased with it and I got a little carried away and painted up a third fellow as well to provide both a little more muscle in case things should turn nasty, as well as another pair of hands to lug the loot back to the surface.

First up, the muscle:

Originally intended to be part of my peasant horde (and may still end up there), he's bit on the big side against 80s sculpts but I really wanted to paint him and use him - and now I have!

Next, the boy with the arab strap burning brand:

I tried a blue tunic first but that didn't work. The green is better, imo, but I'm not totally convinced

I'm especially proud of the flame effect I got on the brand, even if the blooming thing wouldn't stay in focus for a photo

And a bow for long range work. I like the covered quiver you can see poking out from under his cloak by his shoulder

And the Brotherhood of the Burning Brand, ready for action:

The background is tiles I made up from the excellent sets produced by gamer, artist and all-round nice guy, Billiam Babble

The main problem I had was that the eyes on the chap with the torch stick out like chapel hat pegs. I bodged away at them but if they look like bulging fish eyes then I'll just have to live with it. Harrumph! The other fellow is from the Mordheim range and looked suitably brigand-like to make the crew. I rather enjoyed painting him and his beard, even if I couldn't make sense of the random rags tied to his belt. Odd!

At least one of them will be getting a run out on Thursday evening for our inaugural Oldhammer Quest game which Erny is hosting as out first OGRE meeting since BOYL, and my first OGRE meeting fullstop. What a lot of acronyms!

Painting hints and tips welcome as always,


  1. Lardo and his boys are looking good buddy, I look forward to seeing them in the lead on Thursday.

    1. Cheers, Dave. I'm looking forward to plonking them down next to your grey wizard; how's he coming along?

    2. Slowly, had to come away to my other half's parents in Kent, gonna get back to him tonight!

    3. What are you doing online then, man? Get painting!

    4. I'm in Kent, my miniature and paints are in Bedfordshire, can't be painting at the moment - D'OH!

  2. Looking good - I think the torch bearer's eye give him a nice startled look as if he's just seen something horrible emerge from the shadows!

    1. That's very kind of you, Steve. I guess if you squint he does look startled rather than as if he's in the first stages of developing the eyestalks mutation!

  3. Very cool character and backdrop!

    1. Cheers, Dean - the backdrop is a couple of doors from the Inked Adventures range by Billiam Babble.
      I've just been admiring your HRE army in action at that WAB day you blogged about; I need to get more colour on my knights!
