
4 April 2015

An hour (and a bit)

There is a "speed painting" challenge going on over on the Oldhammer Forum and on the Oldhammer Community pages on Facebook, inspired by king of the 3rd edition bestiary, Orlygg (James Taylor). The idea is to just get some paint on lead, rather than pootling about on t'internet. Being in dire need of turning my covetous acquisitions into gaming pieces, I took up my brushes last night in a sudden burst of insomnia and.... failed. Sort of. I didn't make it within the hour, taking about an hour and twenty minutes instead, adding the basing bits before taking the photos.

I've definitely painted better, and the dark skin tone against the rest of the darkish equipment does lack a little definition, but it's still perfectly serviceable and (more importantly) means I have performed the desired alchemical trick - turning lead into gold, or a gaming piece at least. Two minutes squaring off the checks and re-blacking the edge of the base, and this little fellow will be causing all sorts of trouble for my sons' questing knights in our dungeoncrawls.

Oh, and I learned that washes take a surprisingly long time to dry now that I have gone green and completed the transition from my old, hotly inefficient bulbs to eco bulbs.



  1. Nice work in record time, Rab. Lovely read too - "turning lead into gold,,," :) I'm sure your sons will love facing off with this Orc.

    1. Thanks Dean - the two little 'uns approve and were discussing how they'd overcome the unprecedented challenge of the baddies having bows. The younger one thinks they should be worth more experience points if you defeat them. He's not five for two weeks - what have I created?!

  2. Noice! :) Love the skin tone. A nice change from the usual green. Damn fine work for such a short amount of time.

    1. [takes a bow] Thank you kindly! The next one ( which I will complete in an hour) will probably be green, mainly because I really love the Foundry "Moss" triad.

  3. I think it's great that he's not green! Putrid yellow would be great or a sickly grey.
    Congrats on completing the challenge

    1. Thank you, 24_C, the remaining goblins, of which there are more than I had thought before tidying up, will be in a range of colours from dark tan, through dusky brown, through pallid, mossy green. I'd not thought of grey, but might try a zombie flesh/grey mix.... Hmmm....
