
8 September 2015

The costs of gaming - August 2015

Jan 2015  -  £00.00 (0/0/0)

Feb 2015  -  £24.99 (5/5/0)
Mar 2015  -  £46.11 (20/7/-13)
Apr 2015  -  £06.40 (2/12/10)
May 2015 -  £07.07 (-25/2/27)
Jun 2015  -  £34.00 (25/0/-25)
Jul 2015  -  £00.00   (-2/3/5)

August 2015

  • BOUGHT - 
  • TRADED - received a FANTASTIC troll green from Drew Williams (more in a future post!)
  • SOLD - 
  • TOTAL for August - £00.00   (1/0/-1)

Total net. expenditure for 2015 to date         = £118.57
Remaining acceptable expenditure for 2015 = £32.43

In something similar to the LAF lead-hoarders vow, I'm also recording the number of figures purchased versus the number painted, which is what the numbers in brackets after each month's total represents - (net unpainted acquired/painted/net total for the month). So, here you go:

Net. unpainted figures acquired in 2015   = 26
Of which, painted to date        = 0
Total no. figures painted         = 29

Net. hoarding status 3

So, that's good... but still only because I couldn't get to BOYL!

I should admit that I've spent a bit on the table I built, and am about to spend more on blue foam and other bits to create terrain boards. I'm not including it, though, because I sold all my re-enactment armour - thus one hobby funds another and still leaves me in the black...

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