
10 February 2016

Blue and white dwarf

After yesterday's sad news about Wayne England, there was only one choice I could make for last night's hobby time - my first dwarf (one of the Imperial dwarfs by the Perry brothers), in the classic blue and white combination that Wayne popularised.

Still a WIP and snapped on my phone, but my own little tribute to a man whose artwork has given me so much inspiration over the years.

I can see me getting into painting dwarfs of this era. I have a few, but....



  1. Those dwafs are awesome... And Blue-White would be my election too ;-)

    1. That range of dwarfs is my hands-down favourite for fantasy gaming, although Bood Wargames' re-imagining of them is rather fabulous too.

      In a week like this, no other colour combination would be right.

  2. That is brilliant, I am having similar thoughts. I started my dwarf army in 1988 because of Wayne. I was actually lucky enough to go for a beer with him, lovely chap!

    1. I never met him, but "lovely chap" seems to be the consensus from everyone who did. I can't pay personal tribute to the man, so doing so to his work will have to suffice.
