
1 November 2017

Advance warning for DEADCEMBER 17

With the dust barely settled on Or(c/k)tober, and the photos of ill-advised dressing up still being uploaded from Halloween, it's time to think ahead to a graveyard themed painting challenge - DEADCEMBER 2017!

That's right, this is your one month warning to get your lead pile sorted and unearth those miniature corpses, ready for your brushwork to cast reanimate upon them.

The theme this year will be "(un)dead", so not only are any variety of skeleton or zombie welcome, but also vamps, ghouls, wraiths, ghouls... AND casualty figures. So, even if you're no fan of shambling hordes or things that go bump in the night, you can still participate and paint up something that will add character to your battlefield or display cabinet

PRIZES - thanks to the generosity and support of Paul from Ral Partha Europe (, there will be prizes of a classic Tom Meier zombie dragon and a "little set" of skeletons from their DSA range!

So, get rummaging, get planning, and get ready for painting. Submission details to follow.


  1. To be fair I do need to get my Undead organised for BOYL next year so I may well take part.

  2. First time on this kind of challenge. Where do I have to submit the photos of muy paints for the challenge? And, are there any other challenges like this? If so, where can I find them?

    1. I'm glad you're interested, painting challenges are (for me at least) a really enjoyable way of pushing either towards a completed force, or improving ones skills. I'll post full submission details later; I'm thinking I might set up an email address for it, but in previous years I've compiled entries made through both the Oldhammer FB page and the Oldhammer Forum (links on the right). I hope you will take part. You can see last year's entries via the tab at the top of this page.

      Other painting challenges crop up quite regularly; where do your interests lie?

  3. Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm very interested in all kind of challenges, which are they and how to take part, so I can spread the word among my fellas, and also in the internet. I'm from Argentina, and here nobody know about this challenges.

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