
16 April 2014

Ugly duckling - Completed!

Today is Mini-Rab #2's fourth birthday so I have eaten plenty of cake, soothed tears, built lego, regretted giving him a wooden sword and shield to match his brother's and played "pin the poisonous wart on the Gruffalo". It has been excellent family fun, and I knew it would be... but I hadn't expected to get any daytime painting in. However, Mother-in-Law decided that she would take the boys swimming this afternoon and so I claim completion of this painting and modelling challenge!

I even had a go at following Orlygg's 80s shield tutorial and it was only Very Difficult, rather than Utterly Beyond My Skills. Which was nice...

Mace side...

Shield side - look: 80s shield!

Close-up - squawk!

I enjoyed painting this in the end, and am pleased with the results - perfectly acceptable tabletop standard, and ready to lead my RoC warband that seems to be turning into a small army. Now all I have to do is work out what sort of stats this monstrous mount deserves. Suggestions very welcome!



  1. If he comes near my warband I'm setting my were-zoat on it! Well done awesome model!

    1. Thanks, W-P, but you keep that were-zoat well away from me!

  2. I reckon we should stat it up and use it as a replacement for your flying disc!

    Fantastic job, my friend. It is a beautiful conversion job and painted very well indeed. You must be chuffed. :)

    1. Now that's an excellent idea! Statted as a flying disc, or go off-piste and make it up a we go?

      Thanks for the comments, btw, very kind of you.

    2. Definitely off-piste! Good excuse for a week night get together and chat!

  3. He is very good, and you even painted th etip of the beak black like my wife told you (or maybe I just used her profile by mistake...)
    He really has this strong Realm of Chaos vibe and I'd like to see him amongst the other members of the band.

    Oh and you beat Axiom on the finish line ;)

    1. Whether it was your wife, or you impersonating your wife (the mind boggles!), it was an excellent suggestion and I'm really pleased with how following it turned out.

      When I get the centaurs done (painting number one today, number two is at the putty stage, 3 and 4 are still in packets...), I'll do a warband photo just for you after such encouragement and appreciation :)

      Beating axiom is quite fun, too - a sudden burst of speed which is unusual from me!

  4. Nice work! The shield is impressive, I dig it.

    1. Thanks - I'd do it differently another time and look forward to getting more shield practice in soon.
