
15 April 2014

Ugly duckling - WIP 4

Nearly there! I just need to paint a shield for the rider (this time I really am going to try for an 80s style "eye" shield), glue him in place, and stick some flock and tufty bits on the base and then I shall claim completion of this challenge!

I'm probably blind to any errors, so do mention it if you think there is a small tweak within my apparent skill that would make things better. Photos taken on my phone with variable and uncontrollable white balance!

Checker me out? 


No shield yet....

Extreme close-up!
Is this my better side?
Now, where's that Arcane Armorials file I have?



  1. Well done on completing the challenge sir. I particularly like the checkering. The height of the swan is something you don't see everyday, nice choice of miniature and you should be quite proud.

    1. You're really boosting my ego this morning, 24_C! Thanks again.

  2. Beautiful ! I like the contrats between the bright body and the dark ground which makes the swan stand out. The green-yellow device is also very well found and will fit nicely with your other models. The rider is a very good choice and I 'm looking forward to seeing your painted shield.
    Only thing which could be added is a black tip at the end of the beak (or maybe another color) so that it looks more like a swan.
    This one really screams "Realm of Chaos" to me !

    1. Thank you, Margot! Good idea about the beak, I shall give it a go.

  3. Funkytastic Rab, love it, the checking is very nice, I wanna see this guy leading a load of mini's too, with the additonal height he has he'll defo look like he's lording it up over the rest

    1. Cheers Snickit - he'll be taking centre-stage when I get round to my "army pose photo"
