
6 September 2014

Mighty Mop of Doooooom!

No sooner had I completed my thief for our upcoming OGRE meet and dungeoncrawl, than I thought "I need a flunky miniature with a torch!" Unfortunately, that peskily prolific Whiskey Priest had obviously been spying on my brain again (note to self - wear foil hat all the time!) and produced not only a lantern-bearer, but a meat-shield as well. Cue much gnashing of teeth at being gazumped...

Not to be disheartened I fished a likely candidate with cloak out of the lead mountain and turned his staff (I think it was originally a downward pointing spear?) into a great big, two-handed burning torch that could be used for belabouring the ungodly (or just the "in the way") as easily as lighting the way to the gold and treasure successful completion of the quest. I've never sculpted fire before but had a go following this youtube tutorial and came up with this chap:

He's suitably laden with pouches and has a bow strapped to his back. A little touch I really like is the covered quiver slung round his neck. He had the word "Ranger" on his tab but no indication of company or game. He looks like he could be late 80s Citadel, but I couldn't find him quickly on SOLegends and didn't have the heart for a thorough search - do you know where he's from?

I imagine him using that torch like this:

Unfortunately, I can't help seeing that double-handed branch as a mop - the mighty dancing mop of doooooom!

I guess I'll have to get some paint on him to see if he's more the Morlock-slaying, or dancing-janitor type...



  1. He HAS to join the party! I can't wait to cry "MOP OF DOOOOOOOOOOOOM!" when he manages to successfully remove an evil beastie from the board! :)

    1. He's cleaning up the underworld, one bucket of soapy water at a time :)

  2. I think we're going end up with a warband each at this rate!

    I guess I need to decide how young my Wizard is and if he's old enough to take an apprentice yet, although knowing my brother he'll end up betraying me, going all dark and killing me, still, i could always end up coming back as a ghost and stalking his son...............

    I love the caretaker you've put together, it'll be Lardo and Jano!

    1. Weeeeell, none of us were going to be happy with just one figure, were we?! Look at how quickly the Siege (and now the naval battle) escalated...

  3. We are pretty bad for piling on the figs aren't we. Poor Erny's will be pulling his hair out! Just realised that it'll be referendum night, maybe we are on a magical quest to find a polling booth or even the mythical alternative to the pound, the legendary ....wan poond note!

    1. Nah, everyone knows that the treasure hoard of the Salmon of Destiny guards vanishes in daylight ;)

  4. Very nice - will you be producing a whole line of cleaning products? I'm sure you've discovered a profitable niche for a new line!

    I reckon you should name this heroic cleaner, Barry Scott - Bang and the Goblins are gone!

    Oh and if you like Morlocks, have a look at what's coming next for All Quiet on the Martian Front...

    1. Barry Scott, eh? Well as we're playing on referendum night, that might be apt!

      I wonder what other cleaning products could be pressed into service. The mop worked well for Hong Kong Phuey... Perhaps a hoover for dealing with ghosts? An iron for smartening up mummies? Scented air freshener to kill.... well, just about anything that breathes. Vile stuff!

      My fingers are remaining firmly stuck in my ears, I'm humming a little tune, and my eyes are screwed shut - there is nothing Martian that will tempt me. Nothing! [sob]

    2. Your new "How Clean is your Dungeon" crew would defo be arch enemies of my Ratsies!!!!
