
9 September 2014

Milady d'Oswald

Ok, whatever you think about the quality of this week's episode of Dr Who, I want this pleasing-to-the-eye image reproduced in 28mm; she'd make a great character for my Bret. army and chivalric dungeon-crawl project:

Kind of annoying as a character, Clara has certainly improved the visual appeal of Saturday night sci-fi!

Any suggestions for existing miniatures that I could convert it from?



  1. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

    Still, can't blame you or disagree.........

    1. Dark hair, brown eyes, and good cheekbones? Check!
      Medieval and/or Victorian costume? Check!
      Steely determination and sodding great poleaxe? Check!

      Sold! To the man at the back who should know better!

  2. Sub-pantomime was my favourite comment about the episode in question - shame as Capaldi looks like he could be really good with the right material.

    I'm afraid I find Clara too annoying to appreciate her looks - quite amusing when I listen in on the kids playing Dr Who though. My daughter usually allocates the roles - "You be the Doctor and I'll be the Clara"

    I'm just glad the Mother-in-Law found a treasure trove of Classic Dr Who videos at a Car Boot - 30 odd videos for a tenner!

    Enough ranting - apologies!

    1. Well, pantomime equivalent in parts, certainly. I did like the bit about the burden of history and the freedom of being myth though. I have hopes for Capaldi; there's a streak of callousness (or perhaps just otherness) which is interesting.

      Good haul of old VHS!

    2. The callousness definitely appeals! Are there bits of the 1st Doctor (my favourite!) in his performance somewhere?

      There were some interesting ideas like the myth/history bit - but another crashed spaceship - really?!

    3. Yup, it's like you can hardly move on Earth for crashed spaceships. Perhaps our planet is the equivalent of a deceptively sharp bend on a country road, waiting for the unwary?

  3. You didn't fancy some laser beam shooting robotic knights then?

    1. I'll have to GM a medieval-themed adventure for you one time - just don't underestimate the bad guys in livery ;)

    2. Well up for that! I'd point you towards the Time Warrior for more source material and one of my favourite baddies - the Sontarans!

      I wonder if Gatiss had been rewatching it before writing Robot of Sherwood?

    3. A small game for BOYL 15, perhaps? You've got a bunch of Dr Who figures, haven't you? Hmmm...

    4. Certainly do - sounds like that might be a plan for one of the morning/afternoon slots?

  4. This sorceress (now prophetess) from the 2000 annual might serve.

    1. I think that's the best suggestion so far. No poleaxe, but the right martial attitude! Thanks, WP.
