Look at this, lads! Well it’s a jewel, ain’t it? Yes I know it’s just glass, that’s not the...
Look, shutup, will you... What!? Really? Well your sister didn’t complain! OW!
Alrightalright, sorrysorrysorry, get off me, will you!
Anyway, this jewel. Got it from one of those wandering
preachers this morning, he was up by that dead oak near the crossroads over by
old man Fletcher’s place. He was just standing there, eyes closed. I was going
to walk past him but he called my name, didn’t even open his eyes to begin
with, and said he had a gift for me. “What sort of gift?” I asks. “Wisdom” says
he and then hands me this bauble. Great, I think, a bit of broken glass. Some
gift. But then he grabs my hand and I can’t pull away, even though he must be
about sixty and scrawny as a sick hen. “Look at the jewel,” he says. “See how
it has many sides? All the temples focus on a single face and call it their
god, but it’s just one face of the Whole. Remember that, boy.” And then, I
swear, he just fades away like mist, but I still have the jewel. Perhaps I’ll
save it to be a bride-stone for your sister, eh?
Ow, get OFF me, you savage...