To celebrate this blog getting its fiftieth follower (Hi Steve, I love your blog; it's a big part of what drew me into the Oldhammer "movement") I thought I'd share with you some drawing I've been enjoying doing with my kids. There's a great "how to draw" book by Mark Bergin that has step-by-step instructions that are designed for children (or drawing dunces like yours truly) to create fun little knights and castle pictures that I think are full of naive charm. This is the book:
No amazon link - support your local independent bookshop! |
And this is what I've art-ed:
Knight with pokey stick |
Knight with spiky hitty thing |
I even made up my own composition here - I'm practically Picasso |
If you'd seen my previous failed attempts at stick men, you'd be impressed! I had fun coming up with different ways to shade. I could get into this drawing lark.
Happy creating,