7 July 2016

Pre-apocalyptic wasteland

Sorry it's been so quiet around here recently. Truth is, recent events in the UK and my rage/grief over them have rather taken over my free time as I've thrown myself into whatever avenue I can find in order to try and keep my country outward-looking, positive, and not heading towards a self-inflicted financial crash with racist mood-music. I swear, it's like half the country and most of Parliament has gone mad!

However, this blog is not the place for all that, it's for geeking and escapism. Being in need of both, now that I've found a good outlet for my political inclinations, normal service should resume shortly.

TTFN, comrades,


  1. Don't worry Buddy, you aren't the only one wondering what the F'inell is going on.

  2. Agreed. For some reason I have "The Gonk" from Dawn of the Dead going round and round in my head...seems an appropriate soundtrack.

  3. Thanks, chaps. It is really cheering to read your comments. I'm resurfacing from my funk and even feel the urge to get the paints out again...

  4. I was just climbing out of a funk when current events threw me back in. Ho hum.

    Hope to see some good gaming here soon and perhaps we shoudl all arrange to meet up soon for some fun, if we can all remember such a light hearted thing.

    1. I'd like that. With the hols coming up I should have some hobby time, and fun sounds even more deeply appealing than usual in the current climate.
