17 December 2016

The zombies of Karr-Keel

There's this American chap (let's call him Brian, because that's his name) who turned forty at the start of this year. Aside from general, broad-spectrum satisfaction that a, by all accounts, decent fellow had reached that particular milestone, we fantasy gamers should be especially celebratory. Why? Because instead of a dodgy haircut and a motorbike he chose, as his present, to commission a set of zombies by Kev Adams and is now making them available for sale to the rest of us. Nice!

Here they are:

And then a couple of close-ups:

They were specifically intended to match the C18 range from back in the day. If you want a set, head over to the Zombies of Karr-Keel FB page for further details. Basically, it's $40 for the set (which wil be ten, eleven, or twelve depending on how many sets get sold in the preorder up to January 3rd) plus postage.

Go on, over to FB with you, for more pictures of the other sculpts if nothing else!


  1. Can't wait to get some of these in my hands!

  2. These are great, and he has pictures of the metals now too.

  3. Love this post! We reblogged it on the Zombies of Karr-Keel Official website. All miniatures are now cast and ready for purchase. We expect to release our second set in June. Check us out at: https://www.upstreamgameshouse.com

    1. Thanks Sarah - I have my set of these waiting for me to have some hobby time to paint them. They really are great figures. I'm keeping an eye out for the second set.

  4. This is very useful information for me. Thank you very much!
