6 July 2018

Lego Talisman

While I do get enthusiastic about things pretty easily (I like to think of it as a childlike sense of wonder), it's not often that I'm reduced to gibbering excitement. This is one of those times.

Just. Look. At. This!

Yes, that's a full Talisman 2nd Edition board made out of Lego!!!!

Michael Christiansen is the genius behind it and you can see all 104 photos he's posted at this album over on flickr.

A. Ma. Zing!


  1. That is utter exuberant brilliance. Thanks for finding and sharing this!

    1. Once I'd seen it I couldn't keep it to myself.

    2. malcolm butcher12 July 2018 at 07:51

      lego is so cool, love it...but then whats new

    3. Knew you'd approve, Malc.

  2. Michael Christiansen25 July 2018 at 12:29

    Glad you liked it (I just stumbled on your post - glad you liked it - I'm working on the Mark.II of this project which is why I was mindlessly googling stuff now with the cat on my lap!! - the plan is for the inclusion of the full Talisman City expansion board - and a slightly better diorama styling of the original board. Targeting Melbourne Brickvention Jan 2020. (excited with new Harry Potter....I can see a High Temple being restyled from the new Hogwarts set!!)
